Child Protection and Safeguarding
Safeguarding - Child Protection
Parents should be made aware that the school is required to take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. The school follows the Derbyshire Children's Safeguarding Board guidelines for Child Protection and has a Designated Safeguarding Lead (the Head Teacher), and the Deputy DSL is Mrs Woodruff, who both receive regular training. The Child Protection Governor is Gill Graham. Safeguarding procedures are routinely followed and implemented. All staff are trained and updated in procedures in staff meetings throughout the year. All relevant policies are up to date and shared with all staff. Please click on the link below to read our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy (10/2024)
If you need to report any concerns regarding Child Protection contact Starting Point at Call Derbyshire Tel: 01629 533190.
School security
All external doors and gates are locked throughout the school day and visitors are welcomed by a member of staff. Visitors to the school are asked to report to the main entrance to sign in the visitor log-book and wear visitor stickers for the duration of their stay. Children who arrive late, after 9.15am, or who leave before 3pm must be signed in or out by a responsible adult. A pupil log-book is kept in the entrance hall. Children who attend breakfast club must be signed in by a responsible adult.
Road safety
Safety of the children is of paramount importance to us. Parking is very difficult in the vicinity of the school so please be considerate to other road users and especially to the residents of Flagg when dropping off and collecting your children from school. Do not park in the bus bay.
Safeguarding in the curriculum
Throughout the year we arrange for the local police to visit to talk about Road Safety and stranger danger and we talk to the children about their own safety. We encourage them to learn how to keep themselves safe, including online, whether this is through story, visitors to school or through our curriculum; it is an important message to learn. We share ideas at group time and always promote respect and positive relationships either through discussion or use of puppets.
Safer Recruitment
The Head Teacher and one Governor are trained in Safer Recruitment procedures and follow these to the letter when appointing new staff.
Medicines in school
In our school the only medicines which are permitted in school are prescribed medicines, medicines for serious allergies (eg bee stings, nut etc) or where the medicine is part of a SEND statement or Health Care Plan. Inhalers and epi-pens are kept in the office for ease of access when required. All medicines are stored securely and only accessed by staff when they need to be administered. No member of staff will administer any medicine unless the correct forms have been completed. Parents are asked to fill in a permission form, asthma care plan and health care plan if necessary.
PSED Curriculum
We value PSED (Personal Social and Emotional Development) as a vital part of the development of every child. Positive language and behaviour is promoted at all times. Children are encouraged to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences of life with staff and each other in a respectful and secure environment.
Every term we use the Ferre Laevers Well-being and involvement scales to assess children. These scales are based on very sound research carried out at the University of Leuven in Belgium. The premise is that if a child does not feel happy and confident: like a fish in water then they will not develop the inquisitiveness and enthusiasm necessary for learning. Similarly if a child cannot concentrate on an activity and learn persistence (involvement) then again, rapid development is unlikely to happen. If a child’s well-being or involvement is low then interventions such as nurture groups are put in place to rectify this. It is important that we discover why the child is unhappy. Obviously this does not include the settling in period when most children are upset when separated from their parents for the first time.
Pupil Voice
We carry out “child conferencing” every year where we ask children some “what would you do if” questions to ascertain whether they feel safe and whether they know what to do if they do not feel safe or happy. We also ask them how we could improve the school and act on their ideas: we are still working on the swimming pool idea!
Online safety
We teach our children about online safety at Flagg Nursery School through stories and songs. ICT can offer many positive educational and social benefits to young people, but unfortunately there are risks, too. As in any other area of life, children are vulnerable and may expose themselves to danger - knowingly or unknowingly – when using the internet.
Statement on Photography
Flagg Nursery School staff take photographs of the children at Nursery, to use internally as part of the assessment process. Parents sign a permissions sheet to confirm consent of these photos being used externally such as in local papers and on the website. Photos will not be shared without consent. There is a blog on the website which is password protected so that only current parents of the school can access it. The blog is updated every week with photographs of the children and forms an electronic learning journal to share with parents. Again if consent is not given then your child's photograph will not be included.
The key dangers are:-
•Exposure to inappropriate material (this may be pornographic, hateful or violent in nature; material that encouraged activities that are dangerous or illegal, or simply age-inappropriate).
•The threat of physical danger through sharing personal information
At Flagg Nursery School we protect our children in the following ways:-
School security
All external doors and gates are locked throughout the school day and visitors are welcomed by a member of staff. Visitors to the school are asked to report to the main entrance to sign in the visitor log-book and wear visitor stickers for the duration of their stay. Children who arrive late, after 9.15am, or who leave before 3pm must be signed in or out by a responsible adult. A pupil log-book is kept in the entrance hall. Children who attend breakfast club must be signed in by a responsible adult.
Road safety
Safety of the children is of paramount importance to us. Parking is very difficult in the vicinity of the school so please be considerate to other road users and especially to the residents of Flagg when dropping off and collecting your children from school. Do not park in the bus bay.
Safeguarding in the curriculum
Throughout the year we arrange for the local police to visit to talk about Road Safety and stranger danger and we talk to the children about their own safety. We encourage them to learn how to keep themselves safe, including online, whether this is through story, visitors to school or through our curriculum; it is an important message to learn. We share ideas at group time and always promote respect and positive relationships either through discussion or use of puppets.
Safer Recruitment
The Head Teacher and one Governor are trained in Safer Recruitment procedures and follow these to the letter when appointing new staff.
Medicines in school
In our school the only medicines which are permitted in school are prescribed medicines, medicines for serious allergies (eg bee stings, nut etc) or where the medicine is part of a SEND statement or Health Care Plan. Inhalers and epi-pens are kept in the office for ease of access when required. All medicines are stored securely and only accessed by staff when they need to be administered. No member of staff will administer any medicine unless the correct forms have been completed. Parents are asked to fill in a permission form, asthma care plan and health care plan if necessary.
PSED Curriculum
We value PSED (Personal Social and Emotional Development) as a vital part of the development of every child. Positive language and behaviour is promoted at all times. Children are encouraged to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences of life with staff and each other in a respectful and secure environment.
Every term we use the Ferre Laevers Well-being and involvement scales to assess children. These scales are based on very sound research carried out at the University of Leuven in Belgium. The premise is that if a child does not feel happy and confident: like a fish in water then they will not develop the inquisitiveness and enthusiasm necessary for learning. Similarly if a child cannot concentrate on an activity and learn persistence (involvement) then again, rapid development is unlikely to happen. If a child’s well-being or involvement is low then interventions such as nurture groups are put in place to rectify this. It is important that we discover why the child is unhappy. Obviously this does not include the settling in period when most children are upset when separated from their parents for the first time.
Pupil Voice
We carry out “child conferencing” every year where we ask children some “what would you do if” questions to ascertain whether they feel safe and whether they know what to do if they do not feel safe or happy. We also ask them how we could improve the school and act on their ideas: we are still working on the swimming pool idea!
Online safety
We teach our children about online safety at Flagg Nursery School through stories and songs. ICT can offer many positive educational and social benefits to young people, but unfortunately there are risks, too. As in any other area of life, children are vulnerable and may expose themselves to danger - knowingly or unknowingly – when using the internet.
Statement on Photography
Flagg Nursery School staff take photographs of the children at Nursery, to use internally as part of the assessment process. Parents sign a permissions sheet to confirm consent of these photos being used externally such as in local papers and on the website. Photos will not be shared without consent. There is a blog on the website which is password protected so that only current parents of the school can access it. The blog is updated every week with photographs of the children and forms an electronic learning journal to share with parents. Again if consent is not given then your child's photograph will not be included.
The key dangers are:-
•Exposure to inappropriate material (this may be pornographic, hateful or violent in nature; material that encouraged activities that are dangerous or illegal, or simply age-inappropriate).
•The threat of physical danger through sharing personal information
At Flagg Nursery School we protect our children in the following ways:-
- All internet access is supervised, and protected by the school’s chosen firewall supplied by Capita.
- If staff use YouTube we use YouTube kids and watch the clip first and then save it
- The safari button is removed from children's’ iPads so that they cannot accidentally go online
- All staff sign an ‘Acceptable Use Policy’ which covers the key principles of our online safety policy
- Regular online safety training and reviews of our policy
- Regular internet safety workshops with parents
Safeguarding Advice for Parents
If you are concerned about a child in respect of their emotional wellbeing or you feel that they are vulnerable to harm or abuse and you are uncertain whether they are receiving support you may wish to contact one of the agencies listed. Many of the agencies have established links and will ensure that your concern or query is directed to the appropriate agency.
Call Derbyshire (Derbyshire County Council Social Services) 01629 593 193
Child Line - call free on Tel: 0800 1111 or further information can be found on the childline website
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency (CEOP) works to protect children from the harm of sexual abuse both on and offline. If you would like to report an issue please click on the button below and you will be directed to the CEOP Safety Centre.
If you are concerned about a child in respect of their emotional wellbeing or you feel that they are vulnerable to harm or abuse and you are uncertain whether they are receiving support you may wish to contact one of the agencies listed. Many of the agencies have established links and will ensure that your concern or query is directed to the appropriate agency.
Call Derbyshire (Derbyshire County Council Social Services) 01629 593 193
Child Line - call free on Tel: 0800 1111 or further information can be found on the childline website
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency (CEOP) works to protect children from the harm of sexual abuse both on and offline. If you would like to report an issue please click on the button below and you will be directed to the CEOP Safety Centre.
Safe and Sound if you are concerned that a young person is at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation you can contact them on 01332 362120
Useful Safeguarding websites
Useful Safeguarding websites
- If you want to find out more about the apps children are using the NSPCC has an great guide with details about Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Snog and many more go to
- If you are unsure about the age rating of a game you will find everything you need to know at
- If you are worried about grooming or Child Sexual Exploitation, CEOP have an educational site with a section for parents and carers
- The UK Safer Internet Centre has lots of useful advice
Useful safeguarding documents which you may wish to consult